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Embrace the Freeze Up Moon: Prepare, Participate, and Blossom into Your Highest Potential

Writer: FireLynxFireLynx

The Freezing Up Moon graces our skies this month on the 27th, marking a time when the Star Nation draws near, and beings ready themselves for winter’s fasting grounds. Let us also prepare our spirits by learning the sacred songs and teachings that will sustain us on our path of growth. You can align with this energy of preparation by participating in our Community Drumming night, our ‘Star Maiden’s Circle’ Workshop, Study Group, or any of the other events listed below in the Upcoming section of our website.

The energy of the Freeze Up Moon cautions against letting our energies run wild. If left unchecked, they could freeze up, hindering new growth. Occasionally, we need to take a deliberate pause and ground ourselves before moving forward with awareness. As we let go of obsolete roles and identities, we might feel vulnerable. Others might resist our evolution into more authentic versions of ourselves. Stand tall in bravery and patience. This moon presents an opportunity to reconnect with our inner truth. There is a certain lightness in responding to the call to create and simply be. Now is the moment to let go of roles that restrict us. May we blossom into our highest potential.

The Snake has slithered through Earth's history since the age of dinosaurs. In contrast to European portrayals, many Indigenous peoples held this elusive creature in high

regard. The Maya and Aztec saw the feathered serpent as an emblem of transformational might. The Hopi viewed the snake as a messenger capable of summoning life-giving rains. The Ojibwe believed the snake exemplified patience due to its slow-to-anger nature. Numerous Indigenous groups attribute special abilities to snakes, with some having Snake clans filling unique roles.

Those born under the Freeze Up Moon (Oct 24–Nov 21) share snake energy. Like their totem, they tend to be mysterious and guarded, taking time to open, and rarely revealing their innermost secrets. This trait, paired with their tough exterior, can lead to misconceptions about their profound nature brimming with vitality, leaving others bewildered about their profound essence.

The gifts or 'medicine' of the Snake teach us to ground direct energies effectively. Snake shows us how to keenly observe life's lessons and apply them. It instructs us to shed old views and emotions when change beckons. Although challenging, transformations brought by the Snake are lasting.

Indigenous perspectives of snakes offer deeper insights than European depictions. The transformative powers of snakes command respect. As messengers, they impart essential wisdoms if we listen attentively. They demonstrate exceptional patience while guiding others and maintaining their energy equilibrium.

We can uncover our transformative power, harmonizing learned lessons within us. From snake we learn of adaptability, patience, perseverance, resilience, ambition, power, and strength.

As the cold creeps in and the earth slows down, may the light of inner wisdom guide us through the dark months ahead. Stay warm, stay bright, and we hope to see you soon!


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